Online Sales

As a merchant, making your first online sale is as tough as it is exhilarating. It’s the TSN Turning point—you go from what felt like draining all of your money, time, and resources, to suddenly making real money. Your hard work actually paid off.

But, although the “experts” make it seem like it’s a simple occurrence, it’s not easy to attain that first victory. The good news is that, here at Rocket, we’re experts at transforming that dream of running a successful online business into a reality.

You deserve to increase your online sales just as every other prosperous business does, and we’re here to help you get there. Inspired by Neil Patel’s guide, 25 ways to make your first sale online, we’ve broken down the basics of online sales to give you a head start on the marketing avenues that will secure your first sale (and all of the others that will follow).

As we mull over several valuable marketing strategies that can help you enhance your business, understand that you can adequately implement these on your own. Nonetheless, Rocket Now is fully committed to putting in the elbow grease for you. We offer all of the following services to help you see growth while you focus on what matters most: your business.

Three techniques that we have found to work effectively for long-term success include:

1. SEO. Unlock massive amounts of organic traffic and see results when you take advantage of search engine optimization.
2. Content Marketing. Our team creates epic, original content guaranteed to obtain shares, get links, and attract authentic traffic.
3. Paid Media. Make use of effective paid strategies with clear ROI.

Each company has specific selling goals, leaving successful marketing strategies to vary between objectives. So you can quickly and easily navigate to whichever applies to you and your business, we’ve broken online sale tactics down into three major categories based on Patel’s guide:


1. Selling Your First B2C Product
Send free product samples to social media influencers
Build an email list
Pull a PR stunt
Sell wholesale to other retailers to get your product noticed everywhere
Offer a contest or giveaway
Create an infographic and post on Pinterest and Imgur


2. Selling Your First B2B SaaS Product
Experiment with AdWords
Publish a press release
Run a survey
Arrange a comparison on software review sites
Launch on Reddit


3. Selling Your First B2B Service
Create a blog
Sponsor an event
Interview industry influencers
Take advantage of affiliate marketing
Network on forums
Make connections on LinkedIn
Use Facebook ads