Lead Pipelines

In sales, the process is rarely identical for all buyers. Prospects hit different stages of the buying process at different times, and using a visual-based method can help keep track of where customers are in their journey toward the sale. Often, sales departments maintain lead pipelines, set up in funnel-based systems or horizontal bars, dividing each step in the process.

As leads progress to customers, their journeys commonly take them through the following stages:

  1. Pull: The prospect discovers the business service or product, and the conversion process begins with their awareness.
  2. Qualify: The sales rep determines if the prospect has the need, budget, and ability to buy shortly.
  3. Pitch: The sales rep sends the prospect a quote, laying out what the service provides, the cost, and the length of time.
  4. Close: The sales rep and customer make all final negotiations, and the prospect signs all required documents. The lead has officially become a customer.