Community Building

Building a community with no audience is a hard arduous process, but we have people on our team who specialize in just this. Know it’s not just about inviting your contact list and posting about it a few times online. It takes full time commitment to build a thriving community. Sometimes it involves an entire organization of capabilities.

Want us to build your community? Or need professional community building advice? Ask us anytime, we’d be happy to help.


Every post online will tell you it’s easy, trust us, it’s a full time job and could bury you if you’re not careful.

Brands are using these communities to build long term fans, create brand trust and build direct relationships with customers.

Want to get a 6,469% ROI on your marketing efforts? This is the average ROI that online communities generate.


Advantages of building an online community

  • Drive product innovation.
  • Get to know your customers.
  • Reduce support costs.
  • Product feedback.
  • Increase engagement.



Market fit is key in building an online community

Building an online community is a valuable marketing strategy and can lead to heavy brand engagement and relatability to your audience. Again it’s a hard process. That’s where we can help, we’ve contracted and trained our community builders with the tools they need to grow your audience and move markets. Market fit for your community is as powerful as market fit for your business. Find community managers and enable them, your community needs to have direction and purpose.


Community management is critical for the success of the community. You can think of them as the operators of the community. It’s their job to make sure everything is running smoothly. They’ll be the ones to champion your community. They’ll be grounds level and can help you identify the improvements that need to be made to your product, community, and branding.

  1. Define the purpose and goal.
  2. Only build on one platform at a time
  3. Promote your community
  4. Partner with influencers
  5. Think about a referral program
  6. Celebrate your community members.
  7. Hire or recruit and empower the right community managers.



Online communities build brand awareness, increase leads, and drive conversions. With a clear purpose and the right moderation, these communities can become one of your most powerful marketing channels. Their ability to create relationships between brands and customers makes them a validated marketing strategy that businesses in almost any industry can benefit from.


We predict community building is actually going to be a key thing to any powerful new rising company. Is there a community behind you? Why not? Maybe you haven’t found the right manager yet?


Want to learn more about how to monetize your community, check out our e-commerce services.