L4 The Future of Ethereum and Smart Contracts

The Future of Ethereum and Smart Contracts



  1. Ethereum Serenity
  2. New ERC Token Contracts
  3. Platform Governance
  4. Ethereum Classic
  5. Noteworthy DAPPs



Ethereum Serenity


An Upcoming Milestone that intends to switch the Proof of Work System with a Proof of Stake System.


^ Current Hottest Proposed Ethereum Improvement Plan [EIP]



New ERC Token Contracts


Ethereum Tokens [ERC]

ERC stands for Ethereum Request for Comment


New Top Standardized Token Contract Proposals2:


[EIP 165] ERC-165 _> a method to check what version of token standard used by a contract


[EIP 721] ERC-721 _> Non-Fungible Token Standard (deeds) – meaning all tokens are unique


[EIP 777] ERC-777 _> improvements to ERC20, send on behalf of another account, and adds notifications when a person receives tokens from a contract




Platform Governance


Changes, Forks, Improvements to Ethereum are Largely controlled by the Core Dev Team.2


Anyone can submit an [EIP] by adding their fork to the repository and following the template guidelines, and if approved by the editors may be reviewed at the next Dev Meeting.


Ethereum Classic


A very notable topic for analysis, as to what happens when a blockchain makes a hark fork.


This started when a hundred million dollars of Ether was stolen due to a vulnerability in a Smart Contract, that enabled an attacker to drain the funds of victims using a loop—



The majority of the Ethereum community then came together and formed enough of a consensus to make a hard fork and in effect return the stolen funds, a “Quarantine” all of the stolen coin from the network.3


As there were those were against a fork, the end result was two chains:


  1. The old chain, which is now known as Ethereum Classic
  2. The new chain, which we know as Ethereum




Noteworthy DAPPs


++ Decentralized Applications [DAPPs]




Breed-able Virtual Cats on the Blockchain






Chrome Extension that pulls application state data from a trusted Ethereum node

