L2 The Blockchain

The Blockchain


Now how do we deploy it to the Ethereum Blockchain, or rather an Ethereum Testnet


Deploying via Mac OS-X


Install the latest Ethereum Wallet App and Mist Browser Here: https://github.com/ethereum/mist/releases


Open The “Mist Browser App”

Wait for the “Launch Application” to appear

Click it to open the App Window

Wait for that to Load

You can close the Mist Browser App Now


Now Open The “Ethereum Wallet App”

****You don’t need to let it Update, as we will be using a solo Testnet for this project

Launch Application


Wait for the “Launch Application” to appear

Click it to open the App Window


In the top nav click on

> Develop

> Network

> Solo Network


In the Upper Right Side of the App

Navigate to the “CONTRACTS” tab


Click on “Deploy New Contract +”

In the “From” text box make sure “Main Account (Etherbase)” is selected


Copy paste your source code that we created in the previous section into the “SOLIDITY CONTRACT SOURCE CODE” text box


It’ll automatically compile it

****If you’ve made a mistake it’ll show up and won’t run


On the right-hand side if everything is kosher a “Select Contract” dropdown will appear

Select your MyTokanium or your tokens name as defined in your source code

The parameter fields should now generate below the contract you selected

Fill in your parameters

Just Enter the number of coins in this example


Since this is a solo Testnet you don’t need to pay yourself a fee


Now click Deploy

A Confirmation Box will now Popup prompting you for a password


Leave the password field blank if you’re using the Main Account of the Solo Testnet

Click Confirm and Deploy it


It’ll now create the contract and add it to your private blockchain

Once it gets mined and you receive 12 confirmations the transaction will have processed and your coin will be usable


Tutorial on Resetting your Testnet:
